Monday, March 1, 2010

Ravelympics are Finished & Rocky Horror

I participated in the Ravelympics this year.  It's an event on that coincides with the Olympics (just in case the name didn't give it away).  You get a digital badge for each event you compete in.  Not much insintive but I did want to challenge myself to use up some of my stash, work on making my threadwork even, and finally make some Christmas ornaments.  So I give you my Christmas stars (please excuse the over-glittering.)

On the life front things are pretty much the same.  I went to my first theater showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday night with Linda.  I've wanted to do the audience participation showing of this since I was in Laramie and it was pretty fun.  Sadly, I was very tired by the time it was over (2 a.m.) so I must be getting old.  I did think it was fun, but I'm not sure if I'd do it again.  Maybe if I took a nap first :o)
I think I mentioned in a previous post that Jerry and I had repainted the kitchen.  We were hoping to go on a group trip to Vegas with our tax return but since no one else can make it we are now trying to decide between new counter-tops or a new couch.  Comfort or resale value, decisions, decisions.

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